Wednesday, August 29, 2012

0 Como instalar Audacity 2.0.2 en Ubuntu


Audacity 2.0.2

Audacity es un editor de audio libre, fácil de usar y multiplataforma.

Puedes usar Audacity para:

Grabar audio en vivo.
Convertir cintas y grabaciones a sonido digital o CD.
Editar archivos Ogg Vorbis, MP3, WAV y AIFF.
Cortar, copiar, unir y mezclar sonidos.
Cambiar la velocidad o el tono de una grabación.
Y mucho más.

Acaba de ser liberada la versión 2.0.2 con muchos cambios:

* Interface:
* "Retain labels" Interface Preference did not retain labels for a region that snapped exactly to both label edges.
* Projects did not save the track selected state.
* (OS X, Linux) Timer Record: Interlinking of the Start, End and Duration controls was broken.
* (Windows) JAWS screen-reader did not read the "Draw curves" and "Graphic EQ" radio buttons in Equalization correctly.

* Envelopes and Clips:
* Exporting (or any render operation) on a track containing split lines could create clicks at the split lines.
* Dragging a clip into another track caused a crash if Sync-Lock Tracks was enabled and there was also a label track.

* Effects and Analysis:
* Normalize could crash if the track name contained "%".

Changes and Improvements:

* Duration controls when generating at a point now default to hh:mm:ss + milliseconds format. Selection Toolbar also defaults to that format on first installation or resetting preferences.
* Toolbars visual improvements:
* "Snap To" in Selection Toolbar now has an explanatory tooltip.
* Device Toolbar tooltips now display the selected device.
* Increased default width of Device Toolbar and Meter Toolbar.
* Improvements and some bug fixes to Nyquist effects, including:
* Delay (new option to prevent duration change)
* Sample Data Export (new "L-R on Same Line" layout option)
* Risset Drum (new "Amplitude" slider).
* Importing a labels file writes the file name to the name of the Label Track, and exporting a labels file offers the name of the last Label Track in the project.
* Removed the "Audio cache" option from Directories Preferences due to frequent crash reports. All data operations will now be written to disk and not to RAM.
* Removed the FFmpeg "On-Demand" option from Libraries Preferences (this fixes Audacity not building if configured –without-ffmpeg).
* Compilation: Progress on making the Modules feature mainstream. Modules can now be individually enabled and disabled in Preferences.

Lo podemos instalar en Ubuntu 11.04 en adelante usando este PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:audacity-team/daily
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install audacity /29/como-instalar-audacity-2-0-2-en-ubuntu/">Como instalar Audacity 2.0.2 en Ubuntu : Ubuntips

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